The vision of Rupert Sheldrake

Season 2 Episode 11 (S02E11)

The Destiny of this Universe

Joey and Ferdinand took the train to London to interview the one and only Rupert Sheldrake, writer of a number of world famous groundshaking and -braking books. It's not without reasons he's called to be a 'modern prophet' by the Sunday Times.

Rupert has proven in many ways a number of paradigm shifting phenomena, such as telepathy, non-local consciousness and he is the promotor of a phenomena he calls 'morphic resonance'. Rupert states that the whole universe and life is under continues evolution and development, including the 'laws' of physics. He asks the profound question: "Why would the so called 'constants' and 'laws' be constant since the beginning of the universe until the end of it?" Rupert states that the Universe, and Life itself, learns by doing and keeps memory of what works and what doesn't. The implications of Rupert's research cannot be overstated. It breaks right through current scientific dogmas and believes, but mainstream science won't accept Rupert's finding because... they don't fit the current models. Rupert also got his TED Talk banned and removed, offically because it was deemed to be pseudoscience, without elaborating which part of the story was not based on facts.

For LuMens it's very interesting to see the overlap between science and spirituality come forward with this podcast, an overlap that many great scientist of this world has come to conclude.

Ferdinand asks a few aditional contemplating questions, such as 'What is time, how do you view that?' and 'Where or what is this Universe developing towards?' Also Rupert's view on money and God will be discussed.  Enjoy this broadcast!


See episode below.


Links mentioned in video:

- Banned TED Talk:

- British Pilgrimage:

- Wetenschap en de Spirituele Praktijk:

- Waanbeelden van de Wetenschap:

The episode

Sunday 3 September 2023, 08:00


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LuMens S02E11 Rupert Sheldrake

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